


The observation we propose here to evaluate the head in terms of elegance, is totally a subjective way. The shape and size of the bridge of nose and the jaw determine the volume and geometry of the head. The size and the introduction of ears, eyes, mouth and nostrils contribute to make it more or less smooth, more or less expressive... The head rises of face and profile (the right and the left!). It is interesting to consider when the horse is resting in its box but also outdoors when his attention is attracted by a part of its environment..



To the extent that this assessment is a matter of taste, it is unrealistic to propose a method of characterization. Arab Arabian breeders like the elk nosed heads, triangular, with small ears and protruding eyes. Lusitanians breeders like larger heads with roman nose. If a breeder attaches importance to the head for the commercialization, it must evaluate it according to the tastes of its customers. If the breeder thinks that the observation of the head has a functional significance (it is my point of view!) and that he favors the final use, its criteria for the assessment of a "beautiful head" leave the place for a "good head".



The first relevant element that comes to mind speaking of head is commercial: the head is one of the first things observed by a potential buyer on a horse. It triggers an impression: if it is favorable, the buyer will hope that the other qualifications reinforce his impression and he will considers the horse with a bit of indulgence. Otherwise, the horse must demonstrate by its other qualities that he deserves some interest despite this common head.

It would be simplistic to stick to this aspect of things because from the mouth to the neck, the head has important functional elements:

The look is a little mirror of temperament, the serenity or anxiety, submission... the horses do not speak, but their eyes often speaks for them! (fig.4).



Finally, in the head, the more important is the brain inside! It is not visible and it is only in horse training action that its influence can be measured on several behavioral parameters.
From JOVIS DE Ravel to KHADIDJA, DARCO to SANDRO and, in our catalogue, KANNAN to CONTENDRO I, all kinds of heads are compatible with the talent.
Failing to provide a clear link between the head and the performance, we assessed our stallions as such on the simple commercial aesthetic.
Breeders who attach little importance to this criterion could not use it in the characterization of their Mare, and it will be unchecked in the analysis. Those who, at the opposite, attach great importance, will be able to set it as a priority and taking into account will be strengthened!