Tomorrow starts today : VIDEO

The GFE rising squad

The GFE young rising squad !


Our young rising stallions are doing really great during this jumping season :

Cicave du Talus (Untouchable x Voltaire) is 6 clear round out of 6 classes.
Amant du Château (Diamant de Semilly x sister of Itot du Château) is 6 clear out of 7, the magic cross between Semilly and du Château breedings for a strong and scopy stallion !
Excalibur (Ugano S. x Ogano S.) is 5 clear out of 6. He is at Penelope Leprevost stables.
Candy de Nantuel is doing great in Saint Lô in the young classes !
Ulhan du Temple (Kannan x Quidam de R) and Up to You (Calvaro x Olisco) are starting at international level. Ulhan is really close to his father and producing with a super type and blood.


Don’t forget tomorrow starts today, our young squad is really strong and it’s the first time we have a collection of amazing young stallions.

Have a look on the video below :






Escalibur dl Tour Vidal

 Escalibur dl Tour Vidal

26/04/2016 - Divers