Uneven Sunheup and Bernard Briand Chevalier won the GP 145 in Royan CSI2*.
Checker 47 and Frederick Troschke were ranked 4th in the GP 145 in Kronenberg CSI2*.
Come On Jumper and Maelle Martin finished 9th in a 145 class in Oliva CSI3*.
Cinsey and Alberto Zorzi finished 9th in the GP 155 in Vejer de la Frontera CSI4*.
Tabea and Mohamed Talaat were ranked 2nd in a 145 class in Abu Dhabi CSIO5*.
Con Pleasure 5 and Flo Norris finished 4in a 145 class in Wellington CSIU25.
Colestus and Christian Kukuk finished 8th in a 160 class in Doha CSI5*.
Moon Ray and Kristaps Neretnieks were ranked 2nd in a 160 class in Abu Dhabi CSIO5*.
Astree de Burgo and Marcus Westergren won a 150 class in Vejer de la Frontera CSI4*.
Kel'Star du Vingt Ponts and Sam Walker were ranked 5th in a 150 class in Wellington CSIO4*.
Verone de la Roque and Harold Boisset finished 9th in the GP 150 in Oliva CSI3*.
Horation van Erpekom and Rebecca McGoldrick won a 145 class in Vejer de la Frontera CSI4*.
Kannan's and Maiju Mallat finished 8th in a 145 class in Royan CSI2*.
Atomic de la Roque and Michel Hecart finished 10th in a 145 class in Vilamoura CSI3*.
Tel Elu de St Simeon and Alexandre Leriche finished 10th in a 145 class in Valencia CSI2*.
Alibi de la Roque and Julien Epaillard finished 7th in the GP 160 in Doha CSI5*
Argan de Beliard and Luis Sabino Goncalves were ranked 2nd in a 150 class in Abu Dhabi CSIO5*.
Bibici and Gregory Cottard were ranked 3rd in the GP 145 in Royan CSI2*.
Edinburgh and Maïkel van der Vleuten were ranked 2nd and 4th in 145 class in Doha CSI5*.
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