GFE's offsprings in the Nations Cup

Cool Hand Luck par CONTENDRO

 Cool Hand Luck by CONTENDRO


The Nations Cup took place in La Baule last Sunday and several products of GFE stallions were gleaming. Indeed, three of them put up a double faultless performance!

The double faultless of Quabri de l’Isle, son of KANNAN, offers the victory to the Brazilian Team. Under the saddle of Pedro Veniss, Quabri de l’Isle was already 6th of the Grand Prix on Friday!

Double faultless also for a son of CORNET OBOLENSKY: Cannavaro, and its rider Manuel Fernandez Saro which thus made possible Spain to obtain the 4th place of this Nations Cup.

The 3rd rank was for the son of CALVARO: Utchan de Belheme under the saddle of the Irish Mark MCauley.

The beautiful surprise of the weekend was with a product of CONTENDRO: Cool Hand Luke ridden by Markus Beerbaum. The couple ended 5th of the Grand Prix.



Quabri de l'Isle par KANNAN

Quabri de l'Isle by KANNAN





, Utchan de Belheme par CALVARO

Utchan de Belheme by CALVARO

crédit photos@PSV Photo

04/06/2018 - Divers